Every year MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS, Government of India announces the Recruitment of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer(ACIO)-II /Exe for Intelligence Bureau and candidates from across the country participate in the ACIO-II Written Examination to be eligible for Interview (Based on the performance in Interview, candidates are selected as ACIO). So far there is not any update about IB ACIO Exam 2014 date and all, I hope you all have successfully applied for IB ACIO 2014.
After applying for IB ACIO Exam 2014, we come across many questions and doubts, We have got many comments from our readers and they are having very un-familiar doubts. In this article we have tried to clear all your basic doubts -
No Negative Marks for IB ACIO Examination -
Very first and most discussed issue about IB ACIO Exam. Some people really have mis-understanding. As far we know, there was no negative marks last year and so far we have not seen any notice or instructions about Negative Markings. So be sure there won't be any negative marks in IB ACIO Examinations.
IB ACIO Exam duration is 1 Hr and 40 Min -
Candidates get confused when they see total time duration for IB ACIO Exam 2 hrs on their IB ACIO Admit Cards, Let's understand it the initial 20 minutes (from 10:00 Hrs to 10:20 Hrs) are meant for distribution and filling up of OMR response sheets. So you have only 1 Hr and 40 minutes for your examination. To be more specific, you get 100 minutes to solve 100 objective questions and to write an essay in not more then 400 words.
Candidate must carry Ball point pen (blue ink) -
Though it is mentioned on your IB ACIO Admit Cards as well, let me remind you one second that it is Ball point pen (blue ink) which you can use for IB ACIO Exam, to round up the OMR sheet and to write an essay of the white blank page given to you.
Don't underestimate the power of Question Paper-II -
We have seen candidates working/learning hard as much as they can. They try to learn more and more GK which is true. GK, Awareness, History, Politics, Geography are very important for IB ACIO Question Paper-I. Mostly candidates do good in Paper-I but they just ignore Question Paper-II. Please don't ignore Question Paper-II it is not easy and you can't write essay like you wrote in your school days. Practice it, Practice makes a man perfect! You can only get shortlisted if you have scored good marks in Question Paper-I as well as Paper-II.
Cut off marks is never disclosed by official -
You might have seen many threads here and there, they all talk about the cut marks of IB ACIO Examination, I wonder How come they come to know about this? At the time of IB ACIO result we just get pdf pages which contains the roll number/registration number of all shortlisted candidates, nothing else. So we can't actually figure out the exact cut off marks for IB ACIO Exam.
Syllabus and Question Pattern for IB ACIO Exam 2014 -
When you start preparing for IB ACIO Exam 2014, you should not have any doubts about question pattern and the syallbus of Ib ACIO 2014 Exam. We have published an article in which you can find all details about IB ACIO Question Pattern and Syllabus.
When you start preparing for IB ACIO Exam 2014, you should not have any doubts about question pattern and the syallbus of Ib ACIO 2014 Exam. We have published an article in which you can find all details about IB ACIO Question Pattern and Syllabus.
Feel free to ask us if you have doubt any? Good Luck!