"The written examination for the post of ACIOII/Exe contains two papers namely Paper I (Objective type) and Paper-II (Descriptive type on English language only). The total duration for both Papers is 1 hour and 40 minutes. Paper I will focus on General Awareness/General Knowledge, Reasoning, Comprehension and Mathematical ability while Paper II will be designed to check the knowledge of English writing skill and analytical capability."
We saw some people talking about Syllabus of IB ACIO Exam, they think nothing has been mentioned by official about the syllabus of IB ACIO Exam. We have made the above sentences italic because we have simply copy pasted the exact para mentioned in IB ACIO Exam Notification 2013. We agree there isn't chapter wise details but they have at least described the Syllabus and Format of IB ACIO Exam. In this article we'll discuss about the Mathematical ability in details because it is very important as we have seen most of the questions were asked from Mathematical ability section in IB ACIO 2012 Examination.
Before we start practicing Mathematical questions and problems, let's begin it with the techniques which might help you to solve Mathematical questions and problems in examination. Here we've discussed some the the tricks and tips which can help you to improve your skills to solve Mathematical and Numerical Ability Questions with accuracy and speed.
- Read math problems completely before beginning any calculations or tricks.
- Learn the multiplication tables and try to find the patterns in them
- Visualize what you are doing and Learn shortcuts.
- Use your fingers while you do calculations.
- Understand the process but Avoid thinking too much about a question.
- Don't worry about the tough one - You may ignore it!
- Try to find out various ways to tackle a certain problem.
- Don't give up too soon, Think logically.
- Challenge yourself, Trust me you can do it!
- Always be confident & +ve on what you are doing.
- Practice regularly, the key point for all maths and calculation works is to Practice!
Check Out :- Sample Paper for IB ACIO Exam -Mathematical Ability