IB ACIO Exam 2014 Answer Key | Intelligence Bureau(IB) ACIO -II Exam 2022

IB ACIO Exam 2014 Answer Key

IB ACIO  Written Exam 2014 was conducted successfully on 22nd FEB 2015. Now most of the candidates are looking for Answer Key for the IB ACIO Question Paper I. So here we are presenting you the answer sheet for the question paper I. 

Desclaimer :  I hereby declare that the answer of 100 questions which has been asked in IB ACIO Exam 2014 Question Paper I is given below but these answers are not 100% correct. The answer you can see have been prepapared by some random group of people. MHA or IB ACIO never publishes the Official ANSWER SHEET for this exam and they won't. So what I want to say that please do not trust these answers. 

Your result is not just passing in IB ACIO Question Paper I, It is the Question Paper II which decides your result. So do not worry at all, Stop thinking about the CUT OFF Marks and all. Keep practicing and prepare for your next exam if there is any!

  1. c
  2. d
  3. b
  4. b
  5. a
  6. a
  7. d
  8. c
  9. a
  10. a
  11. d
  12. b
  13. a
  14. a
  15. c
  16. c
  17. d
  18. a
  19. d
  20. b
  21. d
  22. c
  23. c
  24. c
  25. c
  26. d
  27. c
  28. b
  29. a
  30. b
  31. a
  32. d
  33. c
  34. c
  35. d
  36. c
  37. a
  38. d
  39. a
  40. d
  41. c
  42. b
  43. c
  44. d
  45. a
  46. d
  47. b
  48. c
  49. c
  50. d
  51. b
  52. b
  53. b
  54. b
  55. d
  56. b
  57. d
  58. b
  59. a
  60. c
  61. a
  62. c
  63. b
  64. d
  65. b
  66. d
  67. d
  68. c
  69. c
  70. c
  71. c
  72. d
  73. b
  74. d
  75. b
  76. d
  77. c
  78. b
  79. a
  80. c
  81. a
  82. b
  83. c
  84. b
  85. b
  86. d
  87. c
  88. b
  89. b
  90. c
  91. c
  92. a
  93. c
  94. d
  95. b
  96. a
  97. b
  98. b
  99. c
  100. d


English Language 2014 Question Paper
Paper - II (English Language)                         Maximum Marks - 50
Write an essay in English language only on any one of the following topics in not more than 400 words. 
(i) Right to freedom of expression should be am absolute right
(ii) Inclusive Growth : A pipedream
(iii) Intelligence is an important aspect of statecraft
(iv) "It is often safer to be in chains than to be free"
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