Model Sets: Question Paper for IB ACIO Exam 2014 | Intelligence Bureau(IB) ACIO -II Exam 2022

Model Sets: Question Paper for IB ACIO Exam 2014

In this article, You can get the Model Sets for IB ACIO Exam 2013. We're glad to present you the Model Papers for IB ACIO Exam in the exact format as the Question was asked in IB ACIO 2012 Written Exam. We must thank to our team members who brought this question format. Perhaps! You'll face the Question exactly as it is presented here : 

Model Question Paper/Model Sets for IB ACIO 2013
1. The written examination contains two Paper-I(Objective type) and Paper-II(Descriptive type to be attempted in English languages only). The total duration for both the Papers is 1 hour and 40 minutes (i.e from 1020 hrs to 1200 hrs).
2. Each question in Paper I is followed by four alternatives, namely- (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv). Only one alternative is the correct answer which should be completely darkened by Blue ink on the OMR Response Sheet provided separately. 
PAPER-I                          TOTAL MARKS FOR PAPER I : 100

Which one among the following is not a Constitutional body in India?
A. Comptroller and Auditor General
B. National Commissioner Linguistic Minorities
C. National Commission for Scheduled Casts
D.  National Human Rights Commission

In India, The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected by?
A. The people of India
B. Lok Sabha
C. Elected members of the legislative assembly
D. Elected members of the legislative council

Under which of the Article of the Constitution of India did the District Planning Committee come into existence? 

A. 243 ZD 
B. 243 ZE 
C. 244 ZD 
D. 242 ZD 

In which year was the Committee on Public Undertakings constituted by the Lok Sabha ? 

A. 1953 
B. 1956 
C. 1963 
D. 1964 

Which of the following committees is associated with the microfinance institutions (MFIs)?

A. B.N. Srikrishna
B. Kirit Parikh
C. Rangarajan
D. Y.H. Malegam

The present Lok Sabha is the?
A. 9th Lok Sabha
B. 10th Lok Sabha
C. 14th Lok Sabha
D. 15th Lok Sabha

Minimum age required to become the Prime Minister of India is?
A. 25 years
B. 30 years
C. 40 years
D. 35 years

The reservation for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the services has been provided in the Indian Constitution under the Article?
A. Article 315
B. Article 335 
C. Article 365
D. Article 375

The term 'Federation' has been used in the Indian Constitution in the Article?
A. Article 373
B. Article 280
C. Article 90
D. Nowhere 

The Vice-President of India is elected by? 
A. Elected Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha 
B. Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha 
C. Elected Members of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and State Assemblies 
D. Members of Lok Sabha only

Which one among the following is not an igneous rock? 
A. Granite 
B. Basalt 
C. Gabbro 
D. Gneiss

Which region of the world is associated with the term `Bushmen` ?
A. East Africa
B. Sahara Desert
C. New Zealand
D. Kalahari 

Which planet is called twin sister of earth?
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Pluto

If a resource can be used continuously i.e year-after-year is called? 

A. Biotic 
B. Abiotic 
C. Non-renewable 
D. Renewable

What is the Name the process of production of energy in the Sun?
A. Radioactivity
B. Nuclear fission
C. Ionization
D. Nuclear fusion

The National Chemical Laboratory is situated in?
A. New Delhi
B. Bangalore
C. Pune
D. Patna

Which is the most commonly used bleaching agent?
A. alcohol
B. Carbon Dioxide
C. Chlorine
D. Sodium Chlorine

When do we celebrate The International Day for Biological Diversity?
A. 25th May
B. 24th May
C. 23rd May
D. 22nd May
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