Finally, Intelligence Bureau Govt. of India has announced the final result of Candidates who have been selected for the post IB-ACIO-II/Exec. On the basis of IB ACIO Exam 2015 which was conducted on 22nd February, 2015, Final list of candidates has been selected and soon they should recieve their Joining Letter. Indeed! IB took more then a year to complete this selection process. Go ahead and check out the result if you had attended the Interview conducted by IB in the month August 2015.
Final result of ACIO-II/Exe. Examination - 2014
The selection was made on the basis of a written exam followed by an Interview. The Interview was conducted during 17-31st August 2015. And finally Intelligence Bureau (MHA), Government of India, New Delhi has published the list of Roll Numbers and the Reistration Numbers of the candates who have been selected and they will be Appointed as Intelligence Bureau (MHA) Assistant Central Intelligence Officer/Executives.
Use the link attatched below to acess the pdf page uploaded by IB, The listed Roll Number and Registration Number have been selected for appointment to the post of ACIO-II/Exe. in the Bureau.Congratualtions!! to all who have made it. And good luck for the rest! We'll back when IB ACIO-II/Exec Exam 2015 notification publish out....
IB ACIO/Executive - List of Selected Candidates